Hof Gandberg - New in the range

Hof Gandberg - New in the range

Thomas Niedermayr takes his own way. Piwis, mushroom -resistant grape varieties, such as Bronner, Solaris and Souvignier Gris, grow around his farm in Eppan. Carefully, with space for diversity, he accompanies his wines outside and inside and gives them their individually required time. Through observation, experience and sensitivity, harmonious and complex rarities are created.

Piwi pioneer

The course for ecologically conscious and holistic management of the fields of the Gandberger Hof laid his father Rudolf over 30 years ago. In 1991-at a time when biological agriculture was smiled at and often fought enough-one of the first to the Bioland Association was included. In the absence of available colleagues, he did pioneering work. He was self -taught, tried it out and made his plants and vines sustainably bloom. Experimenting with Piwis was therefore only consistent and a logical step in a philosophy that leaves nature the first and last word.

When Thomas began to lead the farm in 2012, he took over his father's ideas and further expanded them. Even if the priority was already the viticulture, a holistic conception, which was characterized by biodiversity, was deliberately continued. Anyone who moves through Thomas' vineyards will encounter ducks and chickens, fruit trees, vegetable beads and wild growth between the vineyards.

Many steps have long since taken as it would actually be necessary for biological certification. Everything is questioned. For Thomas, working with and in nature means "to understand the cycles in the small and large": the microfauna in the ground as well as the influence of the "ice holes", the ice -cold caves at the foot of the Gandberg, on its vines. In recent years, Thomas has used the privilege on a solid value foundation and vital vineyards to set new course. "To be allowed to be able to wildly the right of nature," he also wanted to convey in his wines. To do this, he looked around friends in the natural wine scene and subsequently reduced the interventions in the basement to a minimum. Today he follows the strict regulative of Vinnatur and Keltert multi-layered and profound Piwi interpretations that openly open new worlds, which every curious wine drinker should definitely get involved.

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