The Wines of Barranco Oscuro
Manuel Valenzuela has remained a man of experimentation throughout his life as a winemaker. In addition to a handful of classics (the Pino Rojo, Brut Nature, Vino Costa, V di Valenzuelas, the 1368 and the Rubiyat), the range is constantly being supplemented by experiments. He takes a completely undogmatic approach, trying out whatever comes to mind and not shying away from radically undermining expectations. The only common denominator is the renunciation of any additives - because Valenzuelas is always concerned with letting the expressive power of his terrain and his varieties have the last word and taking himself out of the game as far as possible.
Barranco Oscuro: Varetúo 2021
- €13,80
Around 30 grape varieties grow on the 10 hectares of vineyards at Barranco Oscuro. 31 is what Lorenzo Valenzuela once said a few years ago, but one or two may have been added in the meantime. The Valenzuelas try things out, see what suits their rather unique terroir best and have no fear of conta...
Barranco Oscuro: Rubaiyat* 2020
- €19,90
The Alpujarras is a rugged mountain region in eastern Andalusia, characterized by steep valleys and a landscape of rocky terrain interspersed with Mediterranean shrubs. In the 15th century, its remote canyons and gorges served as the final refuge for many Muslims expelled from Granada during the...
Barranco Oscuro: Garnata 2017
- €24,90
The Valenzuela family are the undisputed pioneers among Spain’s growing community of natural winemakers. They rely on the natural resilience of their vines and a climate where occasional morning dew from clouds is swiftly dried by the powerful sun and winds. Manuel Valenzuela planted his Garnach...
Vinos Autenticos/Barranco Oscuro: La Traviesa Tinto 2021
- €12,80
The La Traviesa Tinto goes onto the cap of Vinos Autenticos, a Spanish wine dealer who has the wines in the program that we also had, we would primarily act with Spanish or French wines. So it is actually a dealer wine, with that only a third of the truth. The second third are winegrowers from th...
Barranco Oscuro: Ensayo de Burbujas Brut Nature 2017
- €24,90
For centuries, Vigiriega was one of the most important white grape varieties in southern Spain. Native to the Canary Islands and the region around Granada, it was nearly wiped out by the phylloxera plague. Its revival is thanks in part to Manuel Valenzuela, who rediscovered the variety among loc...
Barranco Oscuro: 1368 - Cerro Las Monjas 2008
- €32,80
Slightly above the vineyards of the Swiss Valais, the "Cerro Las Monjas" sets the altitude record for vineyards on mainland Europe. Including the islands, only Tenerife boasts higher vineyards in Europe. In the Cerro Las Monjas vineyard of Barranco Oscuro, located in the Alpujarras—the southern p...
Barranco Oscuro: Cardonohay 2018
- €19,90
If you are looking for classic Chardonnay, you should keep looking. If, on the other hand, you fancy a little Andalusian avant-garde, you should find what you are looking for. The Cardonohay is full-bodied, dense, mineral and even accompanied by a little fruit and is definitely reminiscent of C...
Vinos Autenticos/Barranco Oscuro: La Traviesa Blanco 2019
- €11,90
The niche in the niche. A wine for operetta fans in the natural wine scene! At least one could guess if you get to the bottom of the face on the label. This belongs to Jeanette Macdonald, who had the music affine cinema audience romped in the 1930s and 40s - in our special case in the film Naught...
Barranco Oscuro Salmónido 2018
- €19,90
A rosé from the Andalusian Alpujarras, from one of the highest Pinot Noir vineyards in the world. At 1300 metres, freshness and fruit are guaranteed, but the intense light reflecting off the slate soils and the often scorching summer heat during the day also ensure that the sugar is stored in the...
Barranco Oscuro: La Ví y Soñé 2020
- €21,90
Among the three dozen grape varieties cultivated in the ampelographic collection of the Valenzuela family, Viognier naturally holds its place. This is an excellent choice, as Viognier thrives when it reaches full ripeness, revealing its finest qualities. Even though Barranco Oscuro’s Viognier vi...
Barranco Oscuro: Tres Uves 2016
- €24,80
Tres Uves - three grape varieties - three times V for Vigiriega, Viognier and Vermentino. Vigiriega plays the Spanish part in this southern European trio. For a long time one of the most important white grape varieties in the south of Spain, phylloxera put an end to it a good 100 years ago. The ...
Barranco Oscuro: Xarab 2009
- €29,90
Xarab: A Unique Andalusian Pedro Ximénez Manuel and Lorenzo Valenzuela cultivate 1200 Pedro Ximénez vines in the rugged, gray-brown schist soils of the Andalusian Alpujarras at 1300 meters above sea level. These vines are far removed from PX’s traditional home in the chalky Albariza soils near th...