The Wines of Colombera & Garella
Colombera & Garella: Vispavola 2021
- €15,90
Vespolina: A Rare Star in the Spotlight Giacomo Colombera and Cristiano Garella’s latest project shines a spotlight on Vespolina, a grape variety that typically plays a supporting role in the Nebbiolo blends of northern Piedmont. This time, however, Vespolina takes center stage—and it’s no surpr...
Colombera & Garella: Bramaterra 2019
- €34,90
Bramaterra: A Northern Classic High up in the north, where Piedmont gently knocks on Switzerland’s door, lies Bramaterra, an ancient wine enclave with a winemaking history documented over centuries. Before Bramaterra was designated a DOC in 1979, the wine of the region was known as “Vino dei Cano...
Colombera & Garella: Lessona 2020
- €34,90
With just 18 hectares of vineyards, Lessona is the smallest of the three DOC zones in which the Colomberas own vineyards. Despite its microscopic dimensions, Lessona has a few special features that set it apart from the other two regions. Firstly, there is the climate, which in some exposures tak...
Colombera & Garella: Melascone 2021
- €15,90
A few decades ago, Coste della Sesia still had a few hundred hectares of vines, but today there are a whole thirty. The reason for this was not the quality of the wines, which have been repeatedly praised in the annals of local viticulture since the 14th century, but the general rural exodus that...
Colombera & Garella: Cavazucchi 2019
- €24,90
Data sheet Grape variety: Nebbiolo Plant protection: only sulphur, copper and plant or animal-based preparations, not certified Vineyard: single vineyard site Cavazucchi. Soil with a high iron and manganese content, covered by a layer of marine sand Harvest: by hand Fermentation: spontaneous |...