The main reasons why sulphur dioxide is added to wine can be summarised in three points: Firstly, SO₂ provides protection against unwanted oxidation, secondly, it stabilises the lively microbiological life in the wine and, last but not least, it prevents the spread of odours that can arise during fermentation.  

There are also many reasons why some winemakers still only use SO₂ in microscopic quantities - and it makes a huge difference whether a wine contains 12, 20, 50 or, still permitted, 150 mg/l - or do without it completely. Beyond - quite justified - ideological reasons, many are concerned with increasing the ‘digestibility’ of their wines and emphasising the idea of origin. In addition, in our opinion, minimally sulphurised or unsulphurised wines are almost always more open, accessible and vital than more heavily sulphurised wines. 

Producing really good unsulphurised wines is a fine art. It takes a lot of experience and absolutely perfect grape material. However, if you have both, you can often produce wines that explore the sensory spectrum of their grape varieties down to the last detail and tell the story of their origin in an expressive and precise way.


Der Tre Dame von Ca' de Noci ist ein aus Sgavetta gekelterte Rosé-Frizzante, der lebhaft, animierend und prickelnd durch die Adern schießt.
Ca 'de Noci: Tree Dame 2021
  • €23,90
  • €21,50
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Ca 'de Noci: Tree Dame 2021


  • €23,90
  • €21,50

On the label of the Tre Dame from Ca' de Noci you can read the following, possibly not entirely irony-free sentence: "Vino Frizzante da rifermentazione in bottiglia ottenuto dalle vigne di Sgavetta e rare varietà autoctone...".  In German, this means: "A Frizzante created by secondary fermentatio...

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Barranco Oscuros Tempranillo aus einem Weingarten auf 1280 Meter Höhe. Ungeschminkt und ungeschwefelt, engmaschig, mineralisch, kühl und strukturiert.
Barranco Oscuro: Varetúo 2021
  • €13,80
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Barranco Oscuro: Varetúo 2021


  • €13,80

Around 30 grape varieties grow on the 10 hectares of vineyards at Barranco Oscuro. 31 is what Lorenzo Valenzuela once said a few years ago, but one or two may have been added in the meantime. The Valenzuelas try things out, see what suits their rather unique terroir best and have no fear of conta...

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Davide Spillares Garganega-Einstieg. Der Crestan ist saftig und dynamisch, macht Spaß und hat doch auch Substanz und eine erstaunliche Aromavielfalt.
Davide Spillare: Crestan 2020
  • €14,90
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Davide Spillare: Crestan 2020


  • €14,90

Garganega is a variety that only produces good results if it is grown in a suitable terroir (limestone, volcanic rock, cool influences) and certain viticultural measures are observed. The decisive factor here is a reasonable grape yield that is as far away as possible from five figures per hectar...

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Purulio: Purulio Tinto 2019
Purulio: Purulio Tinto 2019
  • €15,90
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Purulio: Purulio Tinto 2019


  • €15,90

Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Tempranillo, Cabernet Franc, Pinot Noir, Petit Verdot and Grenache (Garnacha) - France and Spain. The two countries in Torcuato Huerta's life are also reflected in Purulio, his engaging and lively red cuvée. Torcuato was born in El Marchal, a tiny village in the...

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Čotars Vitovska hat eine Farbe wie terra rossa. Vitale Säure trifft auf engmaschigen Gerbstoff. Er fordert, macht Druck und hat breitgefächerte Aromen.
Čotar: Vitovska 2019
  • €32,90
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Čotar: Vitovska 2019


  • €32,90

Vitovska is an old variety with a young story. Since always native to Istrian-Friulan Karst, it was only slowly rediscovered in the 1980s, but was then planted out in the shortest possible time by every winegrower in the area. It is difficult to say what the long forgotten may have been around th...

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Davide Spillare: L1 2021
Davide Spillare: L1 2021
  • €17,40
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Davide Spillare: L1 2021


  • €17,40

The name L1 is derived from the name of Davide Spillare's upper lumbar vertebra, which was broken in a tractor accident a few years ago (as good as the L1 tastes to us, we hope that there will be no L2). The L1 is a Rifermentato, i.e. a wine that undergoes a second fermentation in the bottle afte...

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Purulio Blanco | Weißes Gesamtkunstwerk aus 10 verschiedenen Rebsorten
Purulio Blanco 2021
  • €16,40
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Purulio Blanco 2021


  • €16,40

Torcuato Huertas elevates blending to an oenological art form. Of the 21 varieties he grows in his vineyards on the northern slopes of the Sierra Nevada, 10 are white. All of them flow into the Purulio Blanco, which - as astonishing as this may sound - presents itself as one big entity. Its vines...

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Entstanden in einem, auf 1290 Meter gepflanzten Syrah-Weingarten im Wüstenklima der andalusischen Alpujarras. Dunkel, pfeffrig, kraftvoll und lang.
Barranco Oscuro: Rubaiyat* 2017
  • €19,90
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Barranco Oscuro: Rubaiyat* 2017


  • €19,90

The Alpujarras are a wild mountain region in the east of Andalusia. Characterized by steep valleys and a landscape that was crowded by rocks and Mediterranean bushes, their remote canyons and gorges in the 15th century were the last retreat of many Muslims that were driven out of Granada during ...

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Malvazija istriana, mit Butz und Stingl vergoren. Gelbfruchtig, saftig, druckvoll und salzig. Zieht dynamisch und geradlinig seine Bahn in Richtung Gaumen.
Čotar: Malvazija 2020
  • €32,90
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Čotar: Malvazija 2020


  • €32,90

The word Karst is derived from the Latin Carsus, a word that the Romans once used for stony and sterile areas. For the Friulan Karst, for example. Most of it is made of limestone and stores water so badly that it is rather hostile to life for 99% of the fauna and flora: not so for sandoters, bock...

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Der Testalonga Bianco ist ein ligurischer Weißwein von Antonio Perrino, den es bei vinonudo gibt
Testalonga: Vermentino 2021
  • €35,90
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Testalonga: Vermentino 2021


  • €35,90

Antonio Perrino is a garage winemaker. He was one even before the term was taken up in Bordeaux, stripped of its actual meaning and used to formulate a marketing idea and communication strategy, which was then implemented - consistently as always in Bordeaux. These ideas and strategies passed Per...

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Der Dolceacqua Rossese ist ein Rotwein von Testalonga, den es bei vino nudo gibt
Testalonga: Rossese di Dolceacqua 2021
  • €35,90
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Testalonga: Rossese di Dolceacqua 2021


  • €35,90

Rossese is sensitive, delicate and subtle. Its colour is as transparent as contact lenses and lighter than blood. After a few years, it changes to a rust-coloured orange. It ages moderately, oxidises easily and only makes work. It is therefore understandable that there are only just under 80 hect...

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Davide Spillare: Bianco Rugoli 2020
Davide Spillare: Bianco Rugoli 2020
  • €19,90
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Davide Spillare: Bianco Rugoli 2020


  • €19,90

Davide Spillare's trump card is Garganega. He is now dedicating a four-part series to the great white variety of northern Veneto. Many consumers and winegrowers have only realised in recent years that this is a great variety, after Garganega had previously experienced an unparalleled decline in q...

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Ungeschwefelte Garnacha-Version von Barranco Oscuro. Auf 1300 Meter Höhe entstanden. Stoffig, kühle rote Frucht, druckvoll, elegant, mit Grip & Power
Barranco Oscuro: Garnata 2015
  • €24,90
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Barranco Oscuro: Garnata 2015


  • €24,90

The Valenzuelas are the undisputed pioneers of the increasingly prominent Spanish natural winegrowers: they rely on the natural defences of their vines and on a climate that dries up the little moisture (occasional clouds that cover the fields with dew in the morning) in a very short time throug...

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Ca 'de Noci: Notte di Luna 2019
Ca 'de Noci: Notte di Luna 2019
  • €27,90
  • €25,10
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Ca 'de Noci: Notte di Luna 2019


  • €27,90
  • €25,10

The Masini brothers are usually one step ahead of their time. For example, they were among the first to allow their white grapes to come into contact with the skins for a few days and to refrain from adding sulphites to all their wines. Decades of experience have not only made them pioneers and i...

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Denavolo: Catavela 2020
Denavolo: Catavela 2020
  • €17,90
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Denavolo: Catavela 2020


  • €17,90

The Catavela is based on young vines that Giulio Armani planted in 2008 in the limestone-based subsoil of a vineyard at 700 metres above sea level. Committed to his region, he planted the steeply sloping vineyard with indigenous varieties or varieties that have been rooted in the hills around Pia...

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