The Wines of Ca 'de Noci
Ca‘ de Noci, Tre Dame 2022
- €23,90
Tre Dame: The Singular Charm of Sgavetta On the label of Ca’ de Noci’s Tre Dame, you’ll find this possibly tongue-in-cheek statement:“Vino Frizzante da rifermentazione in bottiglia ottenuto dalle vigne di Sgavetta e rare varietà autoctone…”Translated: “A Frizzante produced through bottle refermen...
Ca' de Noci: Le Rose 2020
- €28,90
Le Rose Frizzante: A Sparkling Revelation of Malvasia di Candia Aromatica Some white grape varieties are best suited for classic vinification (Riesling, Sylvaner, Vernaccia, Pecorino ...). Others excel both as macerated and directly pressed wines (Ribolla Gialla, Vermentino, Timorasso, Nosiola, F...
Ca' de Noci: Notte di Luna 2019
- €27,90
Notte di Luna: A Proper Testament to Emilia's PotentialThe Masini brothers are often a step ahead of their time. They were among the first to give their white grapes a few days of skin contact and to forgo the addition of sulfites in all their wines. Their decades of experience not only make them...
Ca 'de Noci: Querciole 2021
- €20,90
Querciole is a frizzante made from Spergola that makes almost everything that comes from Prosecco look old and rather bland. The intention may be similar, but what Ca' de Noci bottles year after year for secondary fermentation is usually miles ahead of its much more famous frizzante colleagues in...
Ca' de Noci: Sottobosco 2021
- €19,90
"Lambrusco is the fuel of the Futurists." (Filippo Tommaso Marinetti) "Lambrusco is the red Champagne." (Arrigo Levi) "Lambrusco is the nectar of the gods." (Francesco Guccini) While not everyone may agree with these statements, and they could perhaps be better expressed in the subjunctive mood, ...
Ca' de Noci, Riserva dei Fratelli 2016
- €39,90
Riserva dei Fratelli: A Sparkling Testament to Spergola Some grape varieties cross local borders to gain international acclaim, while others remain rooted in their place of origin, often for reasons that defy explanation. Spergola is one such variety. When vinified classically, it exudes subtle a...
Ca' de Noci: Kyathos del Poggio 2019
- €21,90
Sgavetta is a grape variety found exclusively around Modena and Reggio Emilia. It was first documented in the late 19th century and has always been described positively in the few records that exist about it. In 1970, a total of 170 hectares were planted with this variety, but by 2010, the area ...
Ca' de Noci: Brine d'Aprile 2020
- €24,90
Brine d’Aprile succeeded Il Gheppio in 2020. The latter was primarily based on an old planting of Cabernet Sauvignon vines, but—like many other regions, Emilia is not immune to the invasion of allochthonous insects—it fell victim to the American grapevine leafhopper, which wiped it out completel...