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Tenuta Saiano: Zero Leftovers 2022
Tenuta Saiano: Zero Leftovers 2022
  • €13,80
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Tenuta Saiano: Zero Leftovers 2022


  • €13,80

The somewhat intimidating name of the wine should not deter anyone from trying the white base of Tenuta Saiano. We guarantee that the vinified remnants of the winery stand far above many other less honestly labelled entry-level wines - which is mainly due to the fact that the Maggioli family's vi...

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Tenuta Saiano: Mai Uguale 2020
Tenuta Saiano: Mai Uguale 2020
  • €29,90
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Tenuta Saiano: Mai Uguale 2020


  • €29,90

Romagna is Sangiovese country. Some believe that this is where the great central Italian grape variety originated - and not in Tuscany. In Valmarecchia, the home of Tenuta Saiano, it has been planted for centuries in a soil whose mixture of chalk, sandstone and clay gives the variety tension and...

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Tenuta Saiano: L'Animo 2022
Tenuta Saiano: L'Animo 2022
  • €19,90
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Tenuta Saiano: L'Animo 2022


  • €19,90

In addition to pastures, olive trees, wheat fields, forests, vegetable gardens, a restaurant and a guesthouse, the 100 hectares of land at Tenuta Saiano also include a vineyard with Greccheto Gentile, also known as Pignoletto.  With L'Animo, the Maggioli family produces a small masterpiece from ...

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Tenuta Saiano: Sanzvais 2020
Tenuta Saiano: Sanzvais 2020
  • €17,60
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Tenuta Saiano: Sanzvais 2020


  • €17,60

‘As long as they pour you water on the Via Emilia - the road that leads from Milan to Rimini - you are in Emilia, but as soon as they give you wine to drink, you are in Romagna (Antonio Baldini).’ And not just any wine, but Sangiovese, the red queen of Italian grape varieties, the origin of which...

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