New in the dictionary: Timorasso - the large white variety of the piemont

New in the dictionary: Timorasso - the large white variety of the piemont

Timorasso is an old variety and yet a new phenomenon. Before the Reblaus was up to mischief in the vineyards of Italy, it was particularly widespread in southern Piedmont, in South Lombardy and even in the region around Genoa. Eaten away from the microscopic insect, afterwards she was not granted a resurrection for now. One reason for this will probably have been that it was not particularly easy to care for in the vineyard: in spring she liked to graze and in autumn not only grew berries in her grapes, they often matured at different times. The Reblaus was therefore a welcome occasion to simply forget it.

In the home of the Campionissimo

Fortunately, forgetting did not happen collectively: especially in theColli Tortonesi, a region, which is still deeply rural and the home of Fausto Coppi, the greatest of all large Campionissimi, which Italy's cycling world produced, ignoring the ignoring and continued to sit on the idiosyncratic variety. In 1929, for exampleCarlo and Clementina Ricci Her vineyards in San Leto with Timorasso, from which her grandson Daniele today is a white wine that she would certainly be proud of.

Sensory: The stable axis of the Timorasso is its acidity, which is why some critics have been quite premature with Riesling. But on the one hand, the acid looks sensory differently, on the other hand you can look for the fruity aroma of the Riesling in the Timorasso for a long time. There are almonds, white flowers, herbs and a lot of stones. Carefully vinified (healthy berries, spontaneously fermented and with patience in large wooden barrels) matures Timorasso for years and decades - Daniele Riccis 2004 San Leto still had a quasi -physical juice and freshness in 2017.

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